
TODD OLDHAM - Vintage Sportswear

Spring is just around the corner, and a colorful floral print just look fresh and right especially if dragons and Todd Oldham are involved. It makes you want to see the impressionist paintings at the Met but watch out you might see yourself, as this jacket is in the Costume Institute permanent collection.

Todd Oldham
American - Spring 1995
(click image for more details)

Never be afraid to wear a bold floral pattern. The secret is in the proportion, the size of the print should always be chosen to compliment the person wearing it.
If you are petite type avoid over scaled large prints as you will get lost amongst them. If you are the statuesque type, avoid the small mini floral print it won't do you justice as it will get lost on you. So get out there and embrace a floral print, you will feel the attraction of renewal.

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