
GIANFRANCO FERRE - Vintage Couture

GIANFRANCO FERRE was know as the architect of fashion for his background and unique take on style. Always incorporating structural elements in even his most fluid creations, he sculpted some of the most memorable elements of late 20th century fashion. Here he takes a basic shape and challenges your preconceived notions of how a jumpsuit should relate to feminine style. Is it evening wear or sportswear or simply an elegant design that reflects his muse?

When working with a structural bow an interesting addition is to take golden wood chopsticks and insert them through the knot in the bow giving a rich textural surprise. Always think outside the box when it comes to accessories and where you place them, just remember if it looks or feels contrived it is ....NOTE: Paris Hilton necklace as headband is the perfect example of contrived.

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